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You must be 18 years or older to join

Our members strive to keep the overall atmosphere of DELZION respectful and cooperative. Our age requirement is in place to reduce the incidence of random conflicts and enhance the overall spirit of cooperation among its members. While people of all ages can be mature, we find that players who are 18 or older are more inclined to uphold these values due to life experience. If you do not meet our age criteria, please consider reapplying in the future once you do.

Join Raidcall 

Voice chat allows for a higher success rate of high level missions and better coordination of tactics (Example: Raids, Dungeons, Missions and PvP). Even when players do not have a mic, they can still hear what their clan-mates are trying to coordinate and follow along easier. 

Voice Chat also helps take the boredom and tedious nature out of long farming/leveling sessions. It also gives you a better chance to make friends and have more fun within the clan. If you are shy or uncomfortable, just join us and listen in for a while until you feel confident enough to chat. 


Treat clan and alliance members with respect

This is pretty much the common sense golden rule of life. Treat others as you want to be treated. If you ever get into a situation where someone else from our clan or alliance is causing you problems and you can't peacefully extinguish the situation... Please immediately PM a senior officer in the clan for intervention. Anyone with the rank of Warlord or Commander is considered a senior officer in DELZION.

Tell us before you go on vacation.

DELZION understands life is more important than games. Sometimes we need our vacations and sometimes other more serious things occur like moving, health issues, family issues or extended business trips. Please, just let us know first! You do not want to leave your clan mates hanging, just wondering why you never logged back in one day. We always welcome back players who took long breaks!

In some games player rosters are very limited and you can not recruit an unlimited amount of players. In those cases we are forced to remove players who quit and never communicated with us why they quit. We only remove players (in limited roster games) that have been gone from the game for more than 2 month (60 days) without telling any officers or telling us on the forums. 

So please let us know first. 

No selling in clan chat! 

There is nothing worse than lots of members posting WTS lists in clan chat. It not only fills clan chat with spam, but it makes everyone in the clan more like customers and less like family. We strive to promote the spirit of giving. When you can't give, helping clan mates to farm for items they want is the next best thing.

I realize people have to make their money in game, but if you happen to have spare items or you're rich in game, please consider giving the item the member needs for free. 

We do not require members give things away for free, but if you are in the position to do so we strongly encourage it. We have a philosophy of "paying it forward" here. If someone gives you something free, pay a free item forward to another clan member later down the road (maybe even same person). Fellow clan mates and officers do notice who is being is being generous and who is being greedy and not paying things forward, so respect the honor system if you get hooked up.

If you are in strong need of money and another member agrees to pay for an item they need... please do not price gouge them!! If you really want to sell your items for the maximum possible profit, please use trade channel instead.

Help other DELZION members when they ask for help. 

We do not require this and we realize people can be busy in game with other things, or already in other groups or maybe even AFK in game. However, if you are free and available, please help your fellow clan members if they are asking for assistance. There will be times when you need help yourself and people who you helped before will be more inclined to go out of their way to help you.

Promotions in this clan are given to those who go out of their way for the clan and its members.






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